About INCHES Academy

INCHES Academy is a group company of INCHES Healthcare Pvt. Ltd which is India's only enterprise offering exclusive, customised, knowledge based inputs to the Insurance industry, encompassing product design, underwriting, claims, legal, medical audit, risk and compliance functions. INCHES has over 18 years of domain training experience with over 400 years of collective clinical, forensic, legal and teaching expertise having a pool of hands on experience of managing over 80,000 suspect UW/ claim cases. With this experience on hand and understanding the pain points in the insurance industry, INCHES Healthcare has devised a solution with it launching its Exclusive Training vertical - INCHES Academy.

INCHES Academy has designed courses as per the need of the hour and aims in effective fraud management. With launch of the online training sessions, one can join as per convenience and learn at anytime from anywhere. With interactive sessions, one can learn with resolving doubts on the go. Post each session, an online assessment can help evaluate their learning progress and help them improve. At the end of the courses, certifications help add-on their resume and boost one's morale. These courses will help resolve fraud management issues that today's insurance companies are dealing with. Examples of real-life cases will help in better understanding and learning.

Our Achievements

Underwriting Specific Medical Insights

Reports Opined (Life)

{{ performanceData.underwriting.reportsOpined }}

Reported Red Flags

{{ performanceData.underwriting.reportedRedFlags1 }} %

Proposals evaluated for specific future risks (Health)

{{ performanceData.underwriting.evaulatedFutureRisks }}

Reported Red Flags

{{ performanceData.underwriting.reportedRedFlags2 }} %

Claims Audit

Claim cases analysed*

{{ performanceData.claimsAudit.casesAnalysed }}

{{ performanceData.claimsAudit.casesAnalysedInnerText }}

Claim cases audited

{{ performanceData.claimsAudit.casesAudited }}

{{ performanceData.claimsAudit.casesAuditedInnerText }}

Helped recover/save, amount of sum assured

{{ performanceData.claimsAudit.recoveredAmount }}

Decision congruence

{{ performanceData.claimsAudit.decisionCongruence }} %

Turn Around Time

{{ performanceData.claimsAudit.turnAroundTime }} %

{{ performanceData.claimsAudit.turnAroundTimeInnerText }}

Medico Legal Opinions-Claims (life, health, motor)

Claims Opined* (Cases triggered by insurers as found suspicious)


Client triggered claims opined, worth (approx.)


Helped save, amount of Sum assured (approx.)


Decision congruence

{{performanceData.mlo.decisionCongruence}} %

Turn Around Time

{{performanceData.mlo.turnAroundTime}} %
